Pregnant? Worried? Call us today in confidence on
020 7222 7770
The vision of The Gate is to be a non-judgemental, compassionate and confidential support centre; to inform and promote well-being by coming alongside women and men who live or work in London, facing an unplanned pregnancy or struggling following abortion or miscarriage.
The Gate opened its doors for clients in November 2006, after an initial steering group from local churches had come together with a heart to provide vital support to those facing distress in situations of an unintended pregnancy or following an abortion or miscarriage.
The Gate is a Christian-based organisation which works from an ethos of compassion, care and respect as it responds to those with unplanned pregnancy or post abortion concerns.
We welcome people of all faiths and of none. At The Gate we recognise that value of each individual and do not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
The work of The Gate has a stringent governance structure in place: Click here to view.
The Gate has a part time Centre Manager . The rest of the work is staffed entirely by a team of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers undergo at least one 50-hour training course (with an additional 30-hour course for post-termination support), receive regular supervision for their work with clients, and are all DBS checked.
We also have a dedicated team on the Trustee Board who meet 6 times a year.
Please note that we are not able to refer directly for termination, adoption, or antenatal care. We offer clients information on all the options and are well-resourced to provide both immediate and long-term support as necessary, directing to other agencies as appropriate.