Pregnant? Worried? Call us today in confidence on
020 7222 7770
If you would like to find out more, please do contact us
Free, caring, confidential support
Finding out you (or your partner) are pregnant can be a huge shock; you may be feeling anxious and unsure where to turn or what to do next. You might feel alone with a difficult decision to make.
Although you may feel pressure to make a quick decision, it is helpful to give yourself time to explore the options and their implications. Talking to someone who isn’t involved with your situation emotionally can help you look at all the information and your feelings, providing you with the support you need to make the right decision for you. At The Gate we want to help give you that time; time to be heard and offered support from sensitive, non judgemental trained advisors.
The Gate seeks to provide a safe space for you to explore your options and how they may affect you, answer your questions and support you for as long as you need. If you decide to continue with your pregnancy we may be able to offer you a befriender to support you through your pregnancy and up to a year after the birth. If you choose to end your pregnancy and need support please see our Post Abortion Support section.
At The Gate we're here to listen and support you.
Please note that we are not able to refer directly for termination, adoption or antenatal care. We offer clients information on all the options and are well-resourced to provide both immediate and long-term support as necessary, directing to other agencies as appropriate.